Making the menu shine


This month, I got a week off from my day-job. I decided to use 40% of that holiday to work on OverGem full-time!

I really missed this feeling of being able to work on games all day. I've learnt so much more in that week alone, compared to the last year of working on it part-time! Just having a good amount of time set out is really helpful, some things can't be done in an evening ๐Ÿ˜œ.

I wanted to share what I learnt in this devlog, and its about shaders! Yeah yeah, I know, I never thought I'd touch it either, but its what I needed. Guess I had to learn it eventually, shaders' all the talk these days.

I marked this log as a 'tutorial' because it fits that description the most. But I want to emphasise that its more of a 'log', a record of how I did a thing. A tutorial implies I am 'knowledgeable', and that I know what I'm doing ... which I don't ๐Ÿ™ƒ I googled just as much as any newbie to shaders.

Shader for a 'glint' effect

So, what I learnt on my dev-week was turning this:

Into this:

I did change the 'O' of the title to just use the same sprites as the in-game OverGem. I also adjusted the sprite of the rest of the title, colouring the 'ver' to be more like the gem and adding white 'shine lines'.

The shader is what gives the sprite that shiny 'glint'.

My approach to this is essentially masking a 'glint' texture on top of the title sprite, and just move the glint horizontally. Excuse me if my terminology is off, I'm not a graphics person ๐Ÿ˜œ

  1. I first had to migrate to URP (Universal Rendering Pipeline) since I started the project with Unity 2019.1, which I believe was when URP was not out of Beta yet. Back then, I didn't see any need to move away from the built-in rendering pipeline either. But, now I do because I plan to use Shader Graphs to create my shaders.

  2. I created the 'glint' texture to have the same dimensions as the title sprite. The texture could be bigger, so long as it can cover the title sprite, but best to make it the same dimensions. The position of the glint on the texture is essentially its starting position before being moved horizontally, so I made it left of the 'ver'.



  3. In Unity, I created a Shader Graph: Right click in project explorer -> Create -> Shader -> 2D Renderer -> Sprite Unlit Graph

  4. In my Shader Graph, I created a Texture2D variable for _MainTex

  5. I then created a Sample Texture 2D node and sampled the _MainTex

  6. Then, I created a Texture2D variable for the 'glint' texture, from now on will be referred to as _GlintTex

  7. I created another Sample Texture 2D node and sampled the _GlintTex

  8. I created a Tiling and Offset node, making the output of this node become the input UV for the Sample Texture 2D node of _GlintTex

  9. I took the RGB components of the texture samples

  10. and created a Lerp node, with starting point (A) being the RGB components of _MainTex and end point (B) being the RGB components of _GlintTex. The timestep value for the Lerp node is the alpha value of _GlintTex.
    Why did I do this?
    The Lerp node can be used to linearly interpolate between two textures, timestep 0 being the starting texture (A) and timestep 1 being end texture (B).

    The way I think about shader code is that every function/node is applied to each UV coordinate all at once. For pixel art, I can also think of each UV coordinate as a pixel. So, what I can use the Lerp node for is to mask _GlintTex on top of the title texture (_MainTex), and I can do this by making the timestep value be the alpha of _GlintTex. This means that for each output pixel of the Lerp node, if the _GlintTex texture's alpha is 1 at that pixel, meaning timestep is 1, then_GlintTex RGB value is used (end texture B) . Otherwise, it will be _MainTex's RGB value because alpha, and therefore timestep, will be 0 (starting texture A). Effectively placing _GlintTex on top of _MainTex.

  11. We don't want the full texture of _GlintTex, which includes pixels outside the title, just the bits where it overlaps with title. We can cut it out by using a Split node and a Combine node. The Split node takes as input the output of the Lerp node in the previous step. The output of the Split node becomes input for the Combine node, except the alpha. The alpha of the Combine node will be the alpha of the original _MainTex.
    Why this worked:
    Since we're using the alpha of the original _MainTex texture, only pixels that make up the title will appear in our final output. The pixels of the _GlintTex texture that was sticking out of the title will not be in the final output, because alpha is 0 where those bits are.

And thats basically it!

Now, I can change the Tiling and Offset node's offset x value, and _GlintTex will move across the _MainTex title texture. Note that negative value is moving right.

My final shader have a variable exposed for offset x, so that I can adjust the it from a script. Here's the full Shader Graph if you want to right click and open to view:

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